Monday, December 2, 2019

Thanksgiving πŸ¦ƒπŸ§‘

My thanksgiving was fun I watched movie on Disney+ and on the day of thanksgiving there was so much food I went to 2 houses and it’s was so fun.  My favorite food is Mash potatoes and ham i had two plates of mash potatoes they have this Mac and cheese with turkey i think, corn, mayo it’s good even though it’s sounds nasty. I was so tired because we left the last house at 1 am I fell asleep on the couch and then my mom took me home and I fell asleep and then the next day me and my mom went Christmas shopping just in the morning and we went to target and it was dead so that was good we got my brother a basketball hop and my niece got jojo bow and a cute little backpack we raped then and then we went back home and watch movies the rest of the weekends☺.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Best day ever πŸ₯³

The best day of my life is when I went the Disney world it was so fun I went with my mom, step dad, brother, step grandma and grandpa, and my cousins. It’s was so fun we all got wet and the food there is so good the ice cream is really good I recommend the chocolate I stay in Florida For a week but the last day we went to Walmart and got stuff for the plane like a pillow and blanket. But at the end the trip was so much fun!

Friday, October 11, 2019

It’s Friday πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©

This weekend I’m going with my dad and go eat and going to the movies I don’t know what movie we’re going to watch. But I am excited because I love movies but on Sunday I’m going with my mom we are going to my aunts house for the day cause she has a baby and he is so cute and chunky he is about to turn two in March or May I don’t know cause I was in Mexico when he was born. But that’s what I’m doing this week end! 10/11/19

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Book review

      She’s wants to help change the world and make people not hungry and help stop the war. But this book is a great book my favorite part is when you was wishing of all the things she wishes she had like a soccer ball and beautiful dress for her mom the thing I seen a&a because she kept saying the same thing

Climate change

Greta Thunberg is right the fact that the air is toxic and animal are dying and people are dying to from  the air. And saying never give up and she has to stand up for people cause people that are in charge don’t do it. We are going to the park and talk and chant about climate